Final Week
This week outreach and promotion really needs to spread the word of our event around the area near the 2640 space. We need to make sure not only the community members of Baybrook are aware but also the individuals living near the event, so we can increase our attendance. I would like to create some large signs to hang around both the Baybrook and 2640 areas. They can be placed on telephone poles or other places as long as we are not breaking the law.
In addition, once we get the printed flyers we can place them on cars or pass them out to mass amounts of people. Our committee is still awaiting responses from the media outlets (television broadcasters, radio broadcasters, and print sources). Hopefully we will hear back from them before the end of the week!!
I like to to admit that before this class i had no idea what a Indiegogo or the different types of outreach were; however, i have learned so much from Dr. King and my fellow classmates. I should have been more active in the beginning of the Garden Gala by spreading the word of the event earlier and planning more effective strategies. Yet, i believe our event will be a success. Throughout the semester, i was best at accomplishing the things that were assigned to me. I would help out with other things, but if i was told to finish something i would be it with no questions asked.