Monday, February 3, 2014

Mission Fulfillment

As we approach our primary goal of creating a successful community fundraiser for all parties involved, we will collectively use our learned strategies to generate a profit for aiding in the development of the Baybrook community and the Filbert Street Garden. However, the generated profit alone will not measure our success because as social entrepreneurs our success cannot be measured growth. Rather our progress will be assessed in the long run by means of "social, financial, and managerial outcomes" (Dees, "The Meaning of Social Entrepreneurship"). 

After reading the article "The Church at the End of the Road: First Baptist Church Of Fairfield Ponders Giving Up The Ghost, But Not The Spirit" by Chris Landers, I realized how important preserving this place is for its past community residents. If nothing is done there will not be any reason as to why past residents would want to visit their hometown. The warm sense of "home" will be forever lost and it wouldn't be long before industry casts a dark shadow over its future. 

As a student i would like to learn how to preserve the history of the area and help develop the necessary skills for innovating Baybrook's future. I will contribute my knowledge of restaurant management or services, nutrition, and physical labor to help our mission succeed. 

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